1. Elsevier Chapter. Innovative technologies to extract high-value compounds from cereals and non-cereal biomass, sourdough and by-products.
Farcas Anca C, Socaci Sonia A, Novotni Dubravka, Garcia-Vaquero Marco
More details: coming soon

5. Bianca Enaru, Sonia Socaci, Anca Fărcaş, Carmen Socaciu, Corina Danciu, Andreea Stănilă, Zoriţa Diaconeasa, 2021, Novel Delivery Systems of Polyphenols and their potential health benefits, Pharmaceuticals, 14, 946, https://doi.org/10.3390/ph14100946
6. Sonia A. Socaci, Anca C. Farcas, Francisc V. Dulf, Oana L. Pop, Zorita M. Diaconeasa and Melinda Fogarasi, 2021, Health promoting activities and bioavailability of bioactive compounds from functional foods in Current Advances for Development of Functional Foods Modulating Inflammation and Oxidative Stress, editori Blanca Hernandez-Ledesma, Cristina Martinez-Villaluenga, ISBN 978-0-12-823482-2 00002